Joshua Smith For President 2024


You may be familiar with how the duopoly selects its candidates, using primaries and occasionally quirky caucuses like those in Iowa (which Ron Paul won in 2012!).

But we Libertarians, we have conventions. At the Libertarian National Convention, big decisions get made, and it’s just over one thousand delegates who wield that power. That’s a remarkable level of influence, especially when compared to voting in a primary, where the outcome often seems pre-decided and the effort pointless.

It’s at the national convention where voices amplify, causes ignite, and your impact is orders of magnitude higher than in any other political process.

To make Joshua Smith the LP Presidential candidate, we need you as a delegate to the Libertarian National Convention in 2024.

Here’s a quick guide to help you navigate the process, and don’t worry, it might be easier than you think! Just follow these steps, and you’ll be all set to represent Libertarians in your state and help elect Joshua Smith to be our messenger on the national stage.


Join your state’s Libertarian Party: Becoming an official member of the LP or one of the state affiliates is the first step to becoming a delegate. Find your state affiliate here and smash that join button. Don’t see any way to become a member? That’s ok. A few states do not have an easy way to join as a member. If you find yourself in this situation, please reach out to us here at Team Joshua and we’ll jump in to help out.

Join the national Libertarian Party: This step is optional as you do not need to be a member of the national party to become a delegate. But joining has its benefits and we encourage you to jump in! It will help increase our numbers, get you acquainted with the party, and make sure you don’t miss any news or events.


Show up and make yourself known! By being an active and recognizable member of your local Libertarian community, you’ll increase your likelihood of being elected as a delegate at the state convention. Your voice matters; let it be heard loud and clear.

This could mean attending your county meetings to get to know fellow Libertarians, joining your state LP’s social media groups to engage in meaningful conversations, or even just sending a friendly email to introduce yourself to the leadership. The level of effort is entirely up to you, but remember: the more people who know your name and face, the greater your chances of becoming a delegate to the national convention. So dive in, engage, and let your passion for liberty shine!

If you encounter any roadblocks on this step, or even just want some suggestions on people to link up with in your state, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the team here. We’re here to support you every step of the way.


Participating in your state convention is essential. It’s at these meetings where delegates are chosen for the national convention. Show up, be seen, make yourself known, and when the time comes, sign up to be a delegate.

Delegates are elected, which means there will be a vote at the state convention on who to choose. To increase your chances of being selected, you’ll want to meet and network with other Joshua Smith supporters, talk to the people sitting around you, and whip some votes for yourself.

People like to know that if you are selected, you will follow through. So make sure you have at least tentative plans to attend the national convention in DC. Some delegates simply pitch themselves like, “I already have my travel arrangements and hotel plans, please select me.” It can be that simple.

Finally, vote for each other to ensure that our voices and values are strongly represented. By working together and supporting each other, we can make a powerful impact at the national level.

Oh no! I didn’t get selected as a delegate.”

That’s perfectly fine. If this happens, connect with your state chair and ask to be added as an alternate if possible – perhaps even an unranked alternate. Delegates may drop out leading up to the convention, change plans or, have an emergency come up. In these cases, alternates will be promoted to delegates

If you do not get selected as a delegate, don’t be discouraged. Look into becoming an alternate, reach out to Team Joshua for assistance if needed, and still make plans to see us in DC at the national convention. Your involvement and commitment is valuable to us, and there will still be opportunities to participate and make a difference.


The national convention is where everything culminates. It’s not just about selecting the Libertarian Party’s presidential candidate; it’s where significant policy decisions are made, future directions are decided, and bonds are formed within the party.

Your role as a delegate, or even as an alternate, is crucial. Your voice, your vote, and your presence can shape the future of the party and the liberty movement as a whole.

So, book your trip to Washington, D.C., reserve your hotel room, and prepare to be part of something bigger. Engage with fellow Libertarians, share your ideas, vote your conscience, and enjoy the energy and camaraderie that only the Libertarian National Convention can offer.

And remember, whether you’re a delegate or an enthusiastic supporter, your contribution matters. Come ready to inspire and be inspired, to challenge and be challenged. The convention is a platform for all voices committed to liberty, and we can’t wait to see you there!



Conventions are pivotal events for the Libertarian Party. Important reports are given, and delegates vote on key issues such as the LP Bylaws and Platform. It’s where the party’s direction is shaped and where vital decisions are made that impact the future of the Libertarian movement. They also can be a ton of fun, so don’t let the stuffy political things get you down.


While it’s not required to know Robert’s Rules of Order, having some familiarity can be helpful so you don’t feel overwhelmed by the procedural aspects of the convention. Don’t worry about getting steamrolled though; there are always fellow Libertarians who can help guide you through the process.


Conventions often have both paid and free portions. The paid sections often include training sessions, meals, and speeches, while the business meeting where delegates make important decisions (like nominating Joshua Smith for president!) are free to attend. Be sure to double-check the details for your state convention.

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